awesome writing!

You Monsters Are People.

I was a bed wetter. It was so bad that my parents refused to give me fluids after late afternoon. Sometimes I would get really thirsty and they’d flat out refuse to serve me, so I would sneak into the bathroom after everyone was asleep and steal drinks from the sink. To this day, water always seems to taste best out of my cupped hands. But, even on the nights when I went to bed thirsty, there was still a fair chance that I would wake up soaked. I felt pretty bad about the whole thing. My dad would sometimes get angry about it and say he was going to put a rubber band on my “Peter.” Thankfully, that idea never made it past the development stage and my penis remained rubber band free. Instead my parents invested in plastic sheets and underwear. Truth be told, the underwear probably about as…

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Poetic Trials

I brought the storm to your door

Wind howling from my fingertips

My eyes thundered

These words flashed and crackled against you

And you had to take a step back

I told you to be careful

But you kept wishing for more

And giving less

You called me unpredictable

So I brought the storm to your door

To let the chaos unravel on your floor

And you sit there unable to say a word

As every movement I make

Quaked and trembled the floor

I would not cry for you

Just let these emotions rain down

Until you were drowning in your own actions

And collapsing under your hollow words

I warned you to be careful

But you kept wishing for more

And giving less

So I brought the storm to your door

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Any Last Words? (A Short Story/A Literary Form)

As he mauls me to nonexistence I can’t scream or yell. All I can think about are the things I never did or said. People always say life is too short but we never really act like it, do we? Live everyday like it’s your last? Sure, for like a day and we get too tired, bored or lazy and fall back into the same old patterns. I can’t help but think about how ironic it is that someone will use my death to remember how lucky they are to be alive and try to make the most of it for 24 hours before they go back to their routine. Hey, life just sucks!

Just yesterday I was talking to my friend about how tired I was with college. Yea, yea , ‘college is awesome!’; I don’t dispute that. Trust me, I know how awesome college is… or should I be speaking in past tense. Crap, now I can’t remember what I was talking about because this fool is pulling my braids so hard, I can feel my roots bleeding. Why is this man so angry with life? Maybe he’s not getting any… ugh whatever he’s just really getting on my nerves right now. Why can’t he just kill me with poison or something? Why does it have to be bloody? Guess I’m not going to have a beautiful corpse after all…

Poor mom! What a bother this is going to be for her. I wonder who’s going to pay off the college loans when I’m dead… Oh! I wonder what will happen to my room! *sigh* My Audrey Hepburn poster… I wonder if there’s good chicken in the afterlife…

I really don’t want to die but I’m tired from trying to run away from this maniac so I just stay still and quiet and retreat into my thoughts. I should probably be saying my last prayers or whatever but I just really think it’ll be hypocritical. I’ve always argued that there are no absolute truths so now that I’m going to die I guess I’ll find out myself. Too bad I can’t come back from the dead and tell the world if there are absolute truths or not; I’ll be too busy rotting away 6 feet under possibly with a soul floating around somewhere or going into another body… who knows. With all the uncertainties in the universe, I can certainly tell that this is my last day on this beautifully messed up planet. It’s just a bummer that I’ll never be able to see what company drives Apple out of existence. Business rivalry… always fascina…